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他 の E U 加 盟 国 で 取 得 し た 自 動 車 免 許 の 有 効 性


 この問題について、EC裁判所は、免許の発行権限は、もっぱら発行国にのみ与えられているため、いったん発行された免許の有効性を他の加盟国が否認することはできないと判断したCase C-476/01, Kapper [2004] ECR I-5205, 2004年4月29日判決)。したがって、住所所持の要件が満たされていないことを理由に、他国は免許の有効性を否認しえない。要件の充足について疑義を有する加盟国は、発行国にその旨を伝え、発行国に適切な措置を講じてもらわなければならないことになる。




リストマーク 事件(Case C-476/01, Kapper [2004] ECR I-5205)の背景 リストマーク

 1998年2月、ドイツ人の K は、国内で9か月の免停処分を受けたが、その期間が経過した1999年8月、オランダで免許を新たに取得した。しかし、同免許は有効ではないとして(Kはオランダに住所を有さないため)、Kはドイツの裁判所より罰金刑を言い渡された。K の不服申し立てを受け、国内裁判所は、ドイツ法を根拠に、オランダで発行された免許の承認を拒むことができるかという問題をEC裁判所に付託した(先行判断手続については こちら)。

 EC裁判所の判決によれば、K はドイツ国内の免停期間が終了した後に、オランダで免許を取得しているため、ドイツ同免許の承認を拒否してはならない(処分失効後は、他の加盟国で新たに免許を取得する権利が保障される)。また、ドイツ当局の調べによると、Kは免許発行時、オランダに住所を有していなかったことが明らかでも、免許の否認事由にはあたらない。この場合、ドイツは、オランダにその旨を伝え、オランダに処分を講じてもらう必要がある。


リストマーク Joined Cases C-334/06 to 336/06, Zerche and Others リストマーク




リストマーク 判決主文の比較 リストマーク

リストマークCase C-476/01, Kapper [2004] ECR I-5205


The provisions of Articles 1(2), 7(1)(b) and 9 of Council Directive 91/439/EEC of 29 July 1991 on driving licences, as amended by Council Directive 97/26/EC of 2 June 1997, taken together, must be interpreted as meaning that they preclude a Member State from refusing to recognise a driving licence issued by another Member State on the ground that, according to the information available to the first Member State, the holder of the licence had, on the date on which it was issued, taken up normal residence in that Member State and not in the Member State in which the licence was issued.

2. 省略

リストマークJoined Cases C-334/06 to 336/06, Zerche and Others

On a proper construction of Articles 1(2), 7(1) and 8(2) and (4) of Council Directive 91/439/EEC of 29 July 1991 on driving licences, as amended by Regulation (EC) No 1882/2003 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 29 September 2003, it is contrary to those provisions for a Member State, in circumstances such as those of the cases in the main proceedings, to refuse to recognise in its territory the right to drive stemming from a driving licence subsequently issued by another Member State beyond any period in which the person concerned is forbidden to apply for a new licence and, therefore, to recognise the validity of that licence, so long as the licence-holder has not satisfied the necessary conditions in that first Member State for the issue of a new licence following the withdrawal of a previous licence, including the examination of fitness to drive certifying that the grounds justifying the withdrawal are no longer in existence.

In the same circumstances, it is not contrary to those provisions for a Member State to refuse to recognise in its territory the right to drive stemming from a driving licence subsequently issued by another Member State, if it is established, on the basis of entries appearing in the driving licence itself or of other incontestable information supplied by the Member State of issue, that when that licence was issued its holder, who had been the object, in the territory of the first Member State, of a measure withdrawing an earlier licence, was not normally resident in the territory of the Member State of issue.



Case C-476/01, Kapper [2004] ECR I-5205 (英語)

Joined Cases C-334/06 to C-336/06, Zerche and Others, not yet published (英語)
